Meteo France

Météo France provides high quality marine information free of charge. Météo France is, it should be recalled, the French correspondent for the World Meteorological Organization within the framework of the GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) and makes marine forecasts by coastal, wide and wide geographical areas.

Site: Marine forecast bulletin Météo France :

This site transmits BMS (Special Weather Statements) for the Atlantic, Channel, North Sea and Mediterranean for the wide and wide with the current situation and the forecast for the next day, which is more than enough to cross the continent to Corsica or the Balearics.

It also offers free expert reports for the northern Western Mediterranean, which includes the following navigation areas (the location of these areas is included in the Marine Block)

West of Provence,
East of Provence,

The forecast is for three days with a trend to seven days.